4 Reasons to utilize a sprinkler timer at your Granite City, IL home

4 Reasons to utilize a sprinkler timer at your Granite City, IL home

benefits of sprinkler timers for your irrigation

Here’s why you should use a sprinkler timer

It’s August in Granite City, IL, which means your lawn has been under an onslaught of hot summer sun for a few months now. However, if you’re like a lot of homeowners in the Midwest, you’re using a sprinkler system to ensure your grass stays strong, green, and healthy for the remainder of the season. However, are you using a sprinkler timer? While many take advantage of the benefits that the irrigation system has to offer, just as many people don’t utilize a sprinkler timer. This is a mistake. Sprinkler timers are hugely beneficial, and we’re going to tell you why. Read on to see what you’ve been missing out on!

an irrigation tool that saves water

Save Water

The first benefit of using a sprinkler system is that it can save the amount of water you’re using. By putting your watering on a schedule, you’re only utilizing extra water when you absolutely have to, which helps you conserve water. With water being at a premium throughout the world and even in our own country, you’re helping immensely simply by being aware of the amount of water you’re using for tasks like lawn watering.

sprinkler timers saves you money

Save Money

Because the timer is regulating the amount of water you’re using, you’re using less of it, which means you’re paying less for it too. While homeowners that water their yards will see a spike in the water bill for the summer, the hit will be less so if time is regulating the amount of water that you’re using to irrigate your lawn and garden.

sprinkler tools maximizes your irrigation effectiveness

Maximize Effectiveness

Also, a timer is going to maximize the effectiveness of your irrigation system. First, a sprinkler timer saves water and money, we’ve already covered that. However, it can also be set to turn off and on when the rain has provided a sufficient amount of water (this feature depends on the system), which ensures you’re using water when you need it and now when you don’t.

sprinkler timer sets a customized your irrigation schedule

Customize Schedule

A sprinkler timer allows you to customize your schedule too. Without a sprinkler time, your system might come on during the middle of the day, which is the worst time of the day to water your lawn. Additionally, setting your system on a timer means it’s guaranteed to come on at certain times of the day, which means you can’t underwater your plants.

sprinkler timers help eliminate guesswork for your irrigation

 Eliminate Guesswork

Watering your lawn and garden can be a hassle. Monitoring weather conditions, and set your schedule to be home so you can water can make it feel like work. With a timer, your schedule is set to your life and is customized if anything ever changes.

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