Properly Maintaining Your New Sprinkler System in Godfrey, IL

Properly Maintaining Your New Sprinkler System in Godfrey, IL

new sprinkler system Godfrey, IL
how to maintain new sprinkler system Godfrey, IL

For new sprinkler system owners in Godfrey, IL, it is vital to keep it properly maintained in order to ensure it performs at maximum efficiency. If you fail to keep your sprinkler system maintained, it can be seriously damaged, requiring expensive repairs and, in worse case scenarios, even requiring you to replace your entire system if damaged enough. Once you understand what to look out for when inspecting your sprinkler system, you will be able to keep it running as it should. Here we will be talking about some actions you can take to keep your new system maintained.

Regularly Cleaning Your Sprinkler System

As the owner of a new sprinkler system in Godfrey, IL, you should realize that since your sprinkler system will be located outside, it will be getting dirty often. There are times were debris, insects, twigs, or dirt can cover, block, or worse, clog, your new sprinkler system. To prevent clogs, be sure to clean your system regularly.

Changing Your Watering Schedule as Seasons Change

It is important that you change your approach to not only your sprinkler system but your entire irrigation system as the months are changing. During the rainy seasons, be sure that you water your lawn less. During the fall, make sure you keep the leaves to a minimum in your yard. When winter comes, it is best not to use your sprinkler system as the cold weather can cause your pipes to burst.

Repair Any Leaks Immediately

new sprinkler irrigation system Godfrey, IL

If you ever notice any leaks in your sprinkler system in your yard, you need to fix them as soon as you can. A leak left unfixed can lead to flooding in your yard and an unsatisfactory water bill. You will need to figure out where the leak is coming from by turning off the water in your yard and fixing the leak once you find it. Once you have fixed the leak, you can turn your water back on to test if the fix has worked. If you are unsure where the leak is coming from or are having a hard time trying to fix the leak, it’s best to leave repairs to your local irrigation professionals to fix it.

These are just some of the ways you can keep your new sprinkler system well keep. If you have any more questions on how you can keep your new sprinkler system maintained or need assistance with repairs or installation, give our team of experts over at Diversified Services a call today!

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