Protecting Your Yard from Warm Weather Weeds in Waterloo, IL

Protecting Your Yard from Warm Weather Weeds in Waterloo, IL

Landscaping Services

If you are the owner of a home in Waterloo, IL, you understand how annoying weeds can be to deal with in your yard. There are, however, several ways you can deal with the warm weather weeds in your yard. Here we will be discussing what you can do to protect your yard from weeds.

Warm Weather Weeds

Using Pre-Emergent Herbicides

The most common method of dealing with weeds in your yard in Waterloo, IL is using pre-emergent herbicides. This is typically done early in the spring as it will stop those weeds from growing during the summer. This works great for many types of weeds that grow during warm weather like foxtails, crabgrass, and more. It is, however, not a great idea to just go and spray any kind of herbicide in your yard right away. You need to be sure that your yard is prepared.

Preparing Your Yard

It is important that prior to applying any pre-emergent herbicides to your yard that you clear it of debris. Clearing your yard will give the pre-emergent enough room to penetrate its way into the soil. Depending on the grass that you have, you may also need to thatch your grass before you start. Thatch building up can harm your yard by preventing water and nutrients vital for the grass from reaching its roots. Be sure to also aerate your yard before you begin as well.

Using the Correct Pre-Emergent

Weed Removal

There are many different types of pre-emergent herbicides on the market. Each of these has its own specific use cases that work best. A couple of examples include Prodiamine and dithiopyr-based herbicides. Prodiamine herbicides are typically more cost-efficient but it works their best in the early spring. If you miss your opportunity to use it then it will not be anywhere near as effective. Dithiopyr-based herbicides can still be effective even after the weeds start growing. This type of herbicide tends to be the most expensive option. It is best to do your research and determine if you will be able to meet the window of opportunity to deal with the weeds in your yard. If you need assistance with applying herbicides to your yard to deal with the weeds, contact a local professional.

If you are looking for a company that can keep your lawn and turf weed free, give our team of experts over at Diversified Services a call today.

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