Spring & Fall Cleanup


We make it our goal to craft & maintain beautiful, functional spaces that you can enjoy for years to come.

Spring & Fall Yard Cleanup Service

From leaves and brush to dead and decaying plant life, call Diversified Services to clean it up, and prepare your yard for the season ahead.

What’s involved in Spring cleanup service?

Spring cleanup service involves the removal of refuse, litter, pet feces, dead grass, leaves, pine cones, gumballs, and even insect and disease control. Additionally, we take this time to prepare and plant flowerbeds to cultivate a lush landscape that you can enjoy all season long.

What does Fall cleanup service include?

We take the time to do whatever it takes to get your lawn and landscaping in pristine condition. This may include raking, weed control, pruning and deadheading, flower bed cultivation, applying fertilizer, brush removal, etc.

Top 3 Reasons for Spring & Fall Cleanup:

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Call For A Free, Professional Consultation And Estimate For Your Project.

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